Wellness Coaching by Jane Casey

Business Profile: Jane Casey – Wellness Coaching – Your Community

How we identify ourselves is up to us. How others identify us is up to them (let go of what you can’t control). Being part of ‘a community’ other than our work or family is so important for our wellbeing. Our job doesn’t define us, neither does our family, our name, our reputation or our […]

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Business Profile: Jane Casey – Wellness Coaching – Garlic!

If I was stranded on a desert island, there is only one thing I’d have to have (apart from mascara!). Garlic, lovely fresh garlic. It is such a massive taste enhancer in any recipe, it is also SO good for you. The benefits of this delicious bulb? It helps strengthen the immune system, contains mood

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Business Profile: Jane Casey – Wellness Coaching – Your Achievements…

By the time you read this, it will be February already!  As a generalisation (but a general truth), gyms, pools and yoga studios are becoming less crowded after the demise of the ‘New Year’s Resolution’. Often, when we set future aims (eg: to start exercising in the New Year), we attach emotions to it, and with

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Business Profile: Jane Casey – Wellness Coaching – Why Wait?

I used to say: ‘I will start eating better after my holiday/in the new year’, or ‘there’s no point exercising today, I have so much going on the next few weeks’ or make some other excuses for not taking control. But why wait? As you’re reading this, right this moment, you have the ability to

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Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey

Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey Years ago, a colleague called me ‘a fixer’. I didn’t understand what she meant at the time. Although constantly feeling the need to step in and fix things for others may be with good intention, it can come at the detriment of the ‘fixer’. It may originate from the fixer’s own

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Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey – Wellness Coaching is not a Linear Process.

Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey – Wellness Coaching is not a Linear Process. There is no quick fix. It is an exciting journey of reframing old, unhelpful responses, habits & behaviours. Sometimes a client will tell me they have ‘failed’ to achieve their actions. Maybe they did not respond in the way they hoped every time

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Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey – Say Something Positive

Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey – Say Something Positive The way we speak to ourselves and others matters! The words we use can change our neurochemicals to influence our emotions and way of thinking, which can further reinforce our self beliefs. It’s you versus you everyday. We are all fighting our own battles against past ‘bad’

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Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey – Managing Comparison

Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey – Managing Comparison President Theodore Roosevelt once said: ‘Comparison is the thief of joy’. When we ‘upwardly’ compare ourselves to others, we can make ourselves feel insignificant, insecure & dissatisfied. Social media can make us feel we should be somewhere else, doing something else, with someone else. Upwardly comparing ourselves to

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Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey – Managing Inflammation

Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey – Managing Inflammation Inflammation is a normal part of the body’s defence system to injury or infection and in this way, it is beneficial. But if it occurs in healthy tissues or lasts for a long time, inflammation can have damaging long-term effects. Inflammation may result from factors including, chemicals, bacteria,

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Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey – One Small Change

Wellness Coaching: Jane Casey – One Small Change By the time clients begin their coaching journey with me, they often feel so overwhelmed they don’t know where to begin. So, we start with just one single thing. If they have come to explore more realistic ways of healthier eating, we might begin by rethinking their

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