Click to read our latest issues:

The Listing Royston

Reaching 7,800 homes and businesses in Royston, Herts

The Listing SG8 Villages

Reaching 9,500 homes in SG8 Villages surrounding Royston

Explore the Children and Families Directory and What’s On Guide for Royston and the surrounding SG8 villages

Our Latest Children and Families Activity Directory Listings

The next issue of The Listing goes to print in…


Advertise with us

The Listing is the Royston area’s community magazine, reaching 17,300 households every month. We connect your business or organisation with customers in Royston and the surrounding area with effective, affordable and targeted local advertising.

Our Circulation

Our magazines are hand delivered to 17,300 households in the SG8 area each month: 7,800 households in Royston itself and 9,500 homes in the South Cambridgeshire and North Hertfordshire SG8 villages surrounding Royston.

Booking Deadlines

Our booking and copy deadlines help you ensure that you are in the issue that you need, to match with your own marketing plans.
We recommend that you get in touch as early on as possible to plan your marketing campaign.

Artwork Specification

We make advertising with us as easy as possible for you: we accept press-ready artwork in a variety of formats, or we can help you with advert design at an affordable price. Our expertise means we can offer advice on how to get the most from your advertising.

What our customers and readers say…

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Our Latest Clubs and Societies Listings

Would you like your Club, Society or Organisation included in our Directory? It’s free to list your details. Please send us an email
You can view and search the full Directory here

Community News