News from Therfield Heath

August – News from Therfield Heath & Greens…

The Conservators need you? For personal reasons Clare Swarbrick has decided to step down as a Conservator this summer, leaving a vacancy after four years. Clare was a driving force for change within the Trust, having been Chair for much of this time and she will be missed. “I am incredibly proud of what has […]

August – News from Therfield Heath & Greens… Read More »

Community News: May update from The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

When you are walking across the Heath these days you may hear beautiful bird song from a small bird that is hovering high in the sky singing away, that’s a male Skylark. Although they sing high up, they build their nests on the ground, along with the Meadow Pipits. The ground nesting areas are currently

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News from Therfield Heath Conservation – May Pasque Flowers

This time last year we were celebrating the coronation of King Charles III and had an extra bank holiday. We have since had regular weekly volunteer groups working through what has been the wettest winter on record with over 150mm (6 inches) of rain by the end of February. In a normal year we get

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News from Therfield Heath Conservation – April Pasque Flowers

Spring is here, and with it the beautiful Pasque Flower blooms have arrived. Somewhat worryingly, the first flowering was reported in February this year; normally this would be well into March with the peak flowering in April and May. This is a sign of the warm winter we have had. Pasque Flowers (Scientific name: Pulsatilla

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Community News: April update from The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

A big thank you goes to members, their friends, families and workmates who supported our fundraising quiz in March. All the tables were booked in the Heath Café, so we had a full house and lots of fun. Extra money was raised by the raffle, with an amazing array of raffle prizes donated by Tesco,

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Community News: March update from The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

A variety of cordless equipment is now being used on the Heath by the conservators and volunteers to keep the scrub in check. The whole nature of the Heath would change without this necessary management. Over time the scrub would dominate the Heath, there would not be any grassland to walk across, fewer flowers would

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Community News: Make A Difference for People and Nature by Therfield Heath and Greens

By the time you read this, we will have had our annual elections, a big volunteer group from Capel Manor clear scrub on the Rifle Butts and a joint venture with Royston Golf Club. Volunteers assisted the Golf Club to clear Sycamore, Hawthorn and Bramble from Church Hill. With the winter months almost behind us

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Community News: February update from, The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens are planning another year of interesting and varied events in 2024.  The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens are holding their annual fundraising quiz on Friday 1st March. The event starts at 7.30 till approx.10pm. Sharpen your minds and pencils and join us at The Heath Café for

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News from Therfield Heath Conservation – Make a Difference for People and Nature

Support your community & make a difference for people & nature…  Therfield Heath & Greens is the backdrop to Royston, treasured Common Land, a Site of Special Scientific Interest & Local Nature Reserve. Home to many of Royston’s sports clubs and a favourite dog walking spot, nestled within a rare chalk grassland habitat with specialist

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Community News: Make A Difference for People and Nature – Therfield Heath and Greens

Therfield Heath & Greens is the backdrop to Royston, treasured Common Land, a Site of Special Scientific Interest & Local Nature Reserve.  It is home to many of Royston’s sports clubs and a favourite dog walking spot, nestled within a rare chalk grassland habitat with specialist wildlife species. The site has a wealth of history

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Community News: January Update from, The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens are planning another year of interesting and varied events in 2024. Last year FOTHG organised 15 events, took part in two community festivals, merged with Royston Wildlife Group, arranged three wildlife presentations in the Town Hall and litter picked on the Heath every month. Members also took turns

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