Community News: May update from The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

When you are walking across the Heath these days you may hear beautiful bird song from a small bird that is hovering high in the sky singing away, that’s a male Skylark.

Although they sing high up, they build their nests on the ground, along with the Meadow Pipits. The ground nesting areas are currently highlighted by signs asking you to keep to the marked paths and keep your dogs on a lead when near these areas. Both human and canine feet can disturb these birds if they get too close and they will fly off their nests. Drones and model aircraft flying over the Heath can also disturb nesting birds, which is one of the reasons flying devices over the Heath are not allowed.

According to the RSPB, the Skylark has had a recent and dramatic decline in population making it a Red List species. So spare a thought for the Skylarks during the nesting season when enjoying your walks.

The spring solstice yoga session was both energising and relaxing. There were clouds in the sky after the earlier rain but near the end they parted, allowing a glorious sunset to accompany the final Shavasana pose. Thank you to yoga-with-aline for organising this fundraising event.

The next Yoga on the Heath event will be at the summer solstice on Thursday 20th June at 6pm – save the date!

STOP PRESS – Another fundraising Thai Meal in June. Details to be announced.

To find out more about what we do and forthcoming events visit: