Business Profiles & News

Julian’s Business Tips: The Secret of Decision-Making?

Julian’s Business Tips: The Secret of Decision-Making? Years ago I was in awe of an old boss who always seemed to make the right business decisions – whereas mine were somewhat erratic at that time. The CEO of international publishing company, Random House, sums up the secret of a decision-maker’s intuition like this: “People often […]

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Julian’s Business Tips: Compassionate Leadership

Julian’s Business Tips: Compassionate Leadership It’s been interesting watching how different leaders have managed the Coronavirus crisis. Managing emergencies is often based around ‘The 3 Cs’: command, control and co-ordination, along with clear structures and guidance. However, this can result in a bossy style of leadership, overly directing those individuals who need to be engaged.

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Julian’s Business Tips: A Silver Lining?

Julian’s Business Tips: A Silver Lining? The following food-for-thought is paraphrased from a recent essay by American author, Charles Eisenstein. (Read the full essay, ‘The Coronation’ at Covid-19 is showing us that when the world is united in a common cause, amazingly rapid change is possible. When we work together, humanity’s creative powers are

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Julian’s Business Tips: When Is A Goal A Bad Goal?

I remember listening to a couple of parents bemoaning their offspring’s football team performance: ‘There’s nothing worse than losing!’ commented one mum, and she’s right of course, isn’t she? Well… Not exactly. None of us likes to lose, but I’m going to suggest that to set yourself the personal goal of winning every time is

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