Julian’s Business Tips: A Silver Lining?

Julian’s Business Tips: A Silver Lining?

The following food-for-thought is paraphrased from a recent essay by American author, Charles Eisenstein. (Read the full essay, ‘The Coronation’ at charleseisenstein.org)

Covid-19 is showing us that when the world is united in a common cause, amazingly rapid change is possible. When we work together, humanity’s creative powers are boundless.
A few months ago, no-one would have thought that this level of social disruption, and social co-operation was possible. Covid has shown us that, when we agree what is important, we can achieve great things.
And that begs the question, when this is all over, what do we want to achieve, and what world shall we create?
Do we want to return to ‘normal’, or would our effort and creativity be better applied elsewhere? Is there something we’ve seen during this break in the routines that we want to bring into the future?
We might ask, having done without it for a while, whether we really need so much air travel, Disneyland holidays, or trade shows?
What parts of the economy will we want to restore, and what parts might we choose to let go of?
And on a gloomier note, what among the things that are being taken away right now – civil liberties, participation in sport, face-to-face commerce, hugs, handshakes, and public life – might we need to exert intentional political and personal will to restore?
As this crisis subsides, we have many choices. Of all the paths we might follow, some lead in the same direction we’ve already been headed. Some lead to darker places. And might some lead to a world more healed and more beautiful than we ever believed to be possible?

Let’s all reflect on the choices available and, when the time comes, be ready for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make really positive change.
