Business Profiles & News

Julian’s Business Tips: When Is A Goal A Bad Goal?

I remember listening to a couple of parents bemoaning their offspring’s football team performance: ‘There’s nothing worse than losing!’ commented one mum, and she’s right of course, isn’t she? Well… Not exactly. None of us likes to lose, but I’m going to suggest that to set yourself the personal goal of winning every time is

Julian’s Business Tips: When Is A Goal A Bad Goal? Read More »

Julian’s Business Tips: What Country Do You Come From?

Which country do you come from? To help us understand our fellow humans, motivational speaker, Mark Gungor, imagines that all people came from four very different countries: 1. The country of Control This population just wants to get things done; their favourite vehicle is the bulldozer! They want to be appreciated for what they do.

Julian’s Business Tips: What Country Do You Come From? Read More »