Mindful Living by Becky, Chanting Stork Yoga: Doing Things for the Joy Of It

In our fast-paced world that is often so consumed by the weight of responsibilities and the pursuit of success, the idea of playfulness is not given the priority it deserves and can sometimes be forgotten as we focus on careers, self-worth, and productivity.

Yet, at the core of our being lies a reservoir of joy just waiting to be tapped into that can hugely benefit our quality of life.

Creativity is all around us ready to feed our imagination! From the vibrancy of nature to the intricate elements of art and design, to stimulating our senses with music and dance.

Children seem to access this quality easily, with their open minds and eyes full of wonder, they remind us of the simplicity of play, easy interaction with others and being in awe with the world around us.

However, ‘us’ adults can access this too!

Here are 4 ways to tap into our innate sense of play:
1 Embrace wonder: Approach life with a sense of curiosity.
2 Be present: Engage in activities that encourage you to be fully present and even lose track of time!
3 Turn the ordinary into extraordinary: Turn boring chores into games, be playful in how you approach your daily tasks.
4 Don’t take yourself too seriously: Embrace opportunities to laugh at yourself, learn from mistakes and embrace new experiences.

“We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing.” – Charles E. Schaefer

We can also access play through our yoga practice, by using yoga poses to reconnect with our bodies by feeling into movement naturally without force. So we can release rigidity and held tension and tap into being present and fully alive.

Somatic practices can be like a playground of joy that can unlock our inner playfulness and discover a freedom that already lies within.

Becky Duncan, Founder Chanting Stork Yoga

Try your first yoga class for free by emailing: becky@chantingstork.com and quote “Mindful Living/Listing” www.chantingstork.com