Spring is the time of year when outdoor bowlers turn their thoughts to the new Summer season. It’s also a good time for those who have never (or seldom) bowled to go along to a Bowls Club and have a go…
Green bowling is a unique past time wherby age doesn’t matter. Whether you are still at school or like some of our members well into your 90’s, it is a pleasant way of exercising, developing new skills and meeting like minded people.
If this appeals to you, you are welcome to come and go on our Open Day on Saturday 11th May starting at 2pm. If you are unable to make the 11th, why not come to one of our roll up/coffee mornings on Tuesdays from 10am to 12noon or Saturday afternoons from 2 to 4pm. Please wear flat shoes – we will supply the rest. We are the Meldreth Bowls Club and our rinks are at North End Meldreth opposite the Church.