June news from Royston Environmental Group…
Throughout June the Wildlife Trust is running Thirty Days Wild a whole month dedicated to exploring the wonders of nature. Spend a little time every day to explore your surroundings. Nature is everywhere! Sign up for a #30DaysWild pack and join in the fun –Â www.wildlifetrusts.org/30dayswild
The Great Big Green Week is from 8-16th June! Get involved by swapping out something that you do regularly for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach. One simple and inexpensive example is to swap a bamboo toothbrush for your plastic one (or ditch your electric toothbrush!) Or you can go the whole hog and plan to turn your house into an efficient eco home with solar panels, a heat pump and effective insulation. A more expensive approach, but you get the idea! greatbiggreenweek.com
Bike Week is between 19-16th June, and this year’s theme is Bike Heroes! Who has inspired you to dust down the old velocipede and get out into the fresh air? Host a Bike Breakfast and meet with your friends for an early morning ride through the countryside and a tasty, sustainable picnic in the sunshine: www.cyclinguk.org/bikeweek
Here’s an interesting one for you foodies out there: World Sustainable Gastronomy Day is on the 18th of June. This takes into account where our ingredients ‘actually’ do come from and what their carbon footprint is: www.un.org/en/observances/sustainable-gastronomy-day
Ditch the CO2-laden avocados and create a delicious feast from locally sourced fruits and vegetables and small business-produced meats and cheeses. Try the MCS Good Fish Guide, a free app to help source sustainable fish: https://sustainablewave.com/avocado-carbon-footprint