Community News: Curwens Art Exhibition

Curwens Solicitors Royston started their Art Gallery in their Reception Area on the High Street in 2007 with Artist Sue Sanders, first volunteer curator for 7 years…

The Art Gallery has been facilitated by Curwens Solicitors Royston staff all this time as part of their charity work and support to the Royston community and local artists. Local artists exhibit their artwork for free and receive 100% of a sale.

Since March 2024, Claire Fremann the new curator and artist had the following artists displaying their work: Terry Wood, Helen Carnaghan, Alex Taylor, Sue Sanders and currently Sharon Martin.

Zen Thompson, a solicitor in key areas of Family Law, Arbitration and Mediation has been the main facilitator recently. “I would like to thank you Curwens Royston and their staff members old and new for all their help, everyone that bought from the gallery, the artists, the ex-Mayor Cllr Lisa Jayne Adams, and current Mayor Cllr John Rees, The Listing and Royston Crow, Royston Reporting page and other social media groups, for their support.”

There is also a new page created by the curator on FaceBook to follow the gallery if you wish:
Curwens Solicitors Art Gallery. 17 High Street, Royston, SG8 9AA
Monday-Friday 9am to 5.30pm. Please press the bell for attention.