Therfield Heath Conservation
Looks like he’s a ‘Keeper’!

Dr Nick Keep elected as SDDR Conservator.
Nick has just retired from being Executive Dean of the School of Science, Birkbeck University of London where he was in charge of three academic departments with over 100 staff of academics and scientists. This has given him extensive experience of corporate decision making, estates, human resources and equality matters, reading financial statements and running significant budgets. Nick is also treasurer of Royston Methodist Church and a long-standing member of Royston Choral Society.
Nick is very interested in the conservation of wildlife on the Heath and Greens, and forms part of the team that monitors the butterflies weekly over the warmer half of the year. Nick states “We are very lucky to have nationally significant populations of plants, butterflies and birds on the Heath. However, they require active management of the grassland to maintain them and will be lost if the Heath reverts to scrub. I will be keen to offer support to Cheryll Head of Conservation and Development and speak up for conservation on the Conservator group.”
We look forward to having Nick on the team and working with him to keep improving the Heath and Greens for all.
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