Be Sustainable: Plastic Free Allies!

Be Sustainable: Plastic Free Allies!

The Plastic Free scheme is run locally by Royston Environmental Group and accredited by Surfers Against Sewage.

Letchworth was the first Herts town to be accredited Plastic Free in 2019. Other local towns including Baldock, Buntingford and Hitchin are also working towards this status. In Royston we now have SIX Business Plastic Free Champions certified and have hand delivered their plaques to them all.

So far we have one Community Ally signed up, Coombes Community Centre, with a few others having expressed interest. We are now looking for further Community Allies which could be community groups such as: Scouts and Guides troops, schools, venues, churches and non-profit organisations including places of interest and local publications. Please do get in touch with us via the form on our website if you are interested in signing up. Don’t panic, it’s not at all complicated and we can talk you through it. Quite simply, all Allies and Champions need to do is agree to remove THREE items of single use plastic from everyday use (retrospectively does count, so if you have already started the process that’s absolutely fine), and support the Royston Environmental Group.

The Town Council have also agreed to support this initiative. In order to maintain Plastic Free status we need to hold two events per year and we are currently on track for this with our regular litter picks and Sustain-Ability festival plus various community-based projects such as the Tesco Community Garden and tree planting.

We are very close to being accredited Plastic Free Town now and just need our Community Allies to step up and join in. Together we can do this!

Discover more about the plastic free movement by visiting and join Royston’s initiative: