Royston ProBus Club started its twentieth year with an Annual General Meeting in March 2024 at which the outgoing Chairman, Geoff Grainger, having completed a year’s service for the third time passed the responsibility to the new Chairman, John Redfearn. 
PROBUS (PROfessional and BUSiness ) is a local, national, and international association of retirees who come together in non-political, non-sectarian, non-profit, autonomous clubs which provide regular opportunities for members to meet others in similar circumstances, with similar levels of interest, make new friends, and maintain and expand their interests.
Royston ProBus Club meets once a month on the second Thursday of every month at Royston Golf Club to enjoy a drink, lunch and convivial conversation. Every second meeting is a Speaker Meeting to which a speaker is invited to talk about their topic after lunch. Recent speakers have included a test pilot, a submarine commander, a former SAS member, a BBC director, a Master of Ceremonies and a local historian.
Days Out are organised too during each year and recent visits have been to Westminster Hall, The Secret Underground Bunker, Aldwych Under Ground Station and the London Kingsway Tram Tunnel.
There are 32 members currently, some of whom meet regularly at other times for social meetings and for sporting events.
Members come from a wide variety of occupations so there is much o be gained from chats over a drink.
Retirees, or those almost retired, who would like to maintain social activities having found that they miss the day to day associations with colleagues would be welcome.