Putting a Smile on Home-Starts Face
In 2022 something we have all become fairly used to is shopping from home. And whilst many of us have enjoyed the idea of returning to the shops this year, the luxury of being able to buy things from our armchairs will probably never go away.
So isn’t it great that shopping online can help you to support your favourite charity too. Amazon Smile is the charity branch of Amazon UK, and every time you shop using the Smile page Amazon donates a percentage of your sale to your chosen charity. It doesn’t cost you, as the shopper, a penny; but every penny you spend contributes towards a good cause. In fact, since signing up with Amazon Smile, Home-Start has received over £200 in donations, simply from people going about their regular online shopping through Amazon. Such an easy way to make a worthwhile contribution to a local charity!
Setting up your Amazon Smile account is easy, it works with your existing Amazon or Amazon Prime account, and knowing that your shopping can help to support charities like Home-Start is sure to put a smile on your face.
So why not sign up today? All you need to do is;
1. Visit https://smile.amazon.co.uk/
2. Sign in with your Amazon.co.uk credentials
3. Choose Home-Start Royston and South Cambridgeshire to receive donations