Mindful Living by Becky, Chanting Stork Yoga: Consistency is a Great Virtue

“I pray to be like the ocean, with soft currents, maybe waves at times. More and more, I want the consistency rather than the highs and the lows.” Drew Barrymore
As a working mum I totally understand how difficult it is to, well, find time to think, let alone anything above the dance of life’s routine that just simply keeps you and your family rolling.
However, I’ve started to find little rituals that have enabled me to incorporate regular wellness practices into my life and like anything that is good for you, the more you do the more beneficial it becomes.
Doing something once will make you feel good but to really embody new habits, you need to find a regular spot in the timetable of your life but you have to move the pieces a little to create some new space….It could be the simple act of setting your alarm clock 10min earlier, having a bath on a set day every week, or even booking a regular baby-sitter so you can have some time to do the things that make you feel alive. Consistency here is key, investing in yourself is something we all too often forget but it’s so important.
Take Action: Hobbies force you to take a break from your day-to-day stresses and carve out time to devote to yourself. Not all hobbies are play though and it’s important to value productivity and learning in equal measures – some hobbies like reading, writing, designing, or learning a new language can keep you productive and instil you with a sense of purpose while having fun. And the more time you devote to become immersed in your hobby, the more satisfaction and sense of achievement you can get out of it.
Next month we will look at more of the benefits consistency brings to our lives…
With love, Becky x