Royston Allotments Open Day

Royston Allotments Open Day

The gates at Royston Allotments are swinging open on Sunday 14th August to welcome people who are keen to learn how to ‘grow your own’.

Royston Allotment and Garden Association (RAGA) supports enthusiastic growers by running a shop on the allotment site, providing advice and help, and arranging events.

Vicki Seddon, Co-Chair of RAGA said: “Nothing beats the taste and freshness of home-grown veggies, especially when you consider how far some food travels before it reaches our dinner plates.

“We have over 100 plot holders who are always proud to show the fruits of their labour, and share their growing hints and tips.”

RAGA will provide a BBQ, raffle, and the chance for children to plant their own salad crops. Plus you can pick up some fresh Royston-grown produce – with the added bonus of zero food miles!

The gates at Coombes Hole (at the junction of Green Street and Melbourn Road) will open from 11am until 2pm on Sunday 14th August.

Entry is free.