Out & About… Royston Rotary Swimathon

Dig out those Speedos! It’s Swimathon time!

We all know that swimming is a super form of exercise, and something you can enjoy whether you’re seven or seventy. But swimming is also a great way to raise funds for your favourite cause – as Royston’s Rotarians know as they gear up for the club’s annual Swimathon.

The event, which the club has been running for more than fifteen years, has raised many tens of thousands of pounds, all of it for good causes. The event, at the Leisure Centre, challenges sponsored teams of up to six swimmers to complete as many lengths of the pool as they can in the space of an hour. It’s a fun evening for everyone, and it generates some serious charitable funds – more than £4,000 last year. Every penny raised goes to charity.

Sponsorship money is shared 50:50 between each team’s selected cause and Rotary’s charitable choice – this year it will be Royston’s Parish Church Refurbishment Fund plus other charitable projects at home and abroad.

The evening attracts teams of swimmers from all age groups – Rainbows and Brownies at the young end of the scale, with Rotarians themselves at the senior end! In between, many local churches, schools and charities all recruit teams, all ready to get wet for their pet charitable project.

Howard Peacock’s the man in charge, and he’s hopeful that the event will equal or beat last year’s tally of 12 teams, 60 swimmers,1206 lengths swum, and £4,000 raised. He’s keen to welcome established and new teams of swimmers – “It’s easy and free to enter,” he says, “and everyone always enjoys the challenge of swimming those few extra lengths – it’s not a race, but there’s a definite element of competition, whether against the clock or the previous year’s record. Plus the satisfaction of knowing you’re doing a lot of good in the process.”

This year’s Swimathon is set for 6-10pm on Sunday 13th October at Royston Leisure Centre – you can download an entry form from www.swimathon@roystonrotary.com, or call Rtn. Howard Peacock on 07711 471470