Looking After You This Christmas

Looking After You This Christmas

Christmas is the season for giving and whilst this is important it’s easy to give too much of yourself.

So this year plan in some special time to restore yourself and have an enjoyable festive season.

• Plan some self-care time, a massage treatment, a lunch out, or simply an evening for reading a good book or having a bath. It’s hard to continue to give to your loved ones if you are exhausted so give yourself some time to replenish your energy stores.

• Look after your skin. We always feel so much better when our skin is healthy. Wear minimal make up, ensure you stick to your skin care routine and treat yourself to a hydrating mask to help with the party season.

• Turn off the devices! We all know the pandemic is very much still happening but we do not need daily updates, turn whatever news source you use off for periods of time to detox and to just enjoy your family time.

• Stay hydrated! Give your body the best fighting chance during this winter and keep the water coming!

• Vitamin C is a great immune booster. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli and strawberries are all great sources of vitamin C.

• Enjoy the small moments! Christmas only comes once a year so stopping to enjoy the time you have with your loved ones is important, don’t worry if things are not perfect, enjoy yourself and make those memories.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Kim Fletcher