Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens

Grasslands are important as carbon sinks, part of the planet’s carbon cycle, which stores carbon dioxide from the atmosphere helping to keep the Earth’s temperature stable.

Unfortunately, human activities upset the carbon cycle. It has been shown that having natural grasslands close to fields helps pollination due to the number of insects visiting the fields from those grasslands. Living in areas with more green space correlates with lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.

The Heath and Greens support those positive effects. In fact, the Heath fulfils 5 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations as a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, just by existing.

Find out more from the Friends stand at the Sustain-ability event on Sunday 2nd October in Priory Gardens.

Whether you are a sports fan, runner, dog walker, hiker, bird watcher, wildflower enthusiast or lover of the peace that sitting and gazing over the landscape can bring you, it is important to keep looking after this beautiful space.

Take a look at the What’s On pages for our events this month.

To find out more about The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens and how we support the Heath check out