Autumn and Winter bring their own beauty to the Heath and Greens. Whilst the new lockdown is in force the Heath remains open, of course, for households and pairs of individuals to enjoy.
At this time of the year visitors to the Heath may be able to spot two members of the thrush family – Redwings and Fieldfares – feeding on the autumn berries. Both undertake an extraordinary migration from Russia or Scandinavia to spend winter in our relatively warmer climate and the Heath provides an ideal habitat for them.
To keep the Heath looking its best, the Friends of the Heath (FOTH) organised a litter pick. With much hard work from all the volunteers many bags of litter were collected. We would ask that visitors try to take their litter home with them where possible. You can now find the filed 2019 annual charity accounts on our website. We will be organising some open ‘zoom’ style meetings in the coming months to consult with visitors and the wider community about the management and long-term sustainable future of this unique and precious space.
When the times are finalised these will be shared via social media and online. Whilst 2020 has brought its own challenges for us all, the Heath has continued to provide a safe space and a change of scene to human and animal visitors alike. To you all we wish you well for 2021!
Visit the website for further information: