Think Like a Repairer

The next Royston Repair Café at Coombes Community Centre is on Saturday 18th November 2-5pm.
The volunteer repairers team welcomes owners of broken household items (at the last repair session this included four music turntables, four radios, and two electric fans) to book in their items in advance – details below.
The Royston repairers are also encouraging everyone to ‘think like a repairer’ to promote DIY troubleshooting, if not the repair itself. There are simple things most people can do when something grinds to a halt (besides swearing) including noting what happened immediately before the item stopped working. A good clean is sometimes all you need (when did you last check the filter on your vacuum cleaner?) to get back on track. Taking photos can also help you put your item back together again if you dare to open it up for closer inspection.
For more problem-solving tips for would-be repairers go to
To book your broken item in for the next Repair Café on 18th November (only one item per person) go to In case of difficulty, call Chris Lee on 07962 157589