Tallulah’s Kitchen… Baked Vanilla Cheesecake

Tallulah’s Kitchen… Baked Vanilla Cheesecake

Hello and welcome to November’s edition of The Listing.

This month I would like to share with you a recipe for Baked Cheesecake. This dessert is simple and fuss-free to create, making it the perfect “make ahead” dessert. In fact, I believe that not only does the texture benefit from a night in the fridge, but I think the flavour develops and matures too. To give that little extra “something” to this dessert, you could flavour the cheesecake with something other than vanilla, say for example, a handful of sultanas soaked in dark rum, or a sprinkling of lemon zest. The possibilities are endless!
Serves 8-10 portions

Baked Vanilla Cheesecake
250g digestive biscuits crushed
100g melted butter
400g Full fat cream cheese
100g Mascapone
1 x 395g tin condensed milk
5 medium sized eggs
20g cornflour
300ml double cream
Seeds from one vanilla pod
To serve
Fruits of your choice and more pouring cream.
Set oven to 140°C
You will also need a 23cm spring form tin

  1. Just to avoid all possibilities of “leakage”, I lined the inside of my tin with foil-backed greaseproof paper, this also has the advantage of making the finished cheesecake easier to remove from the tin.
  2. So let’s begin by crushing the biscuits to a fine bread crumb texture, pour over the melted butter and mix thoroughly. When cool enough to handle, pour the crumb mixture into the tin and press to a smooth finish along the base and up the side of the tin. Pop this into the fridge to cool and firm up.
  3. Next, beat the cream cheese, Mascarpone and condensed milk until thick and creamy, then beat in the eggs, cream, vanilla and cornflour. When all the ingredients are thoroughly combined, pour the mix on to the biscuit lined tin, stand this tin on to a baking sheet and bake in the center of the oven for approximately one and a quarter hours, or until you have a wobble free, dark golden brown top to your cheesecake. Do not be alarmed, your cheesecake will rise dramatically while cooking but will sink and crack as it cools.
  4. Allow the cheesecake to cool and then refrigerate until serving

As you may see in the photograph, I choose to serve my cheesecake with raspberries and a generous splosh of cream.
Previously, I have served purée of mango with passion fruits, or fruit of the forests with a dash of strawberry liquor.
Let your imagination run wild, I would love to hear your favourite toppings.

Until next time…

Tallulah Le Fey