Tallulah’s Kitchen… Apricot and Almond Sponge Pudding

Tallulah’s Kitchen… Apricot and Almond Sponge Pudding

Hello and welcome to October’s edition of The Listing.

This month, as the nights draw in and the clocks go back, I thought a tasty fruit pudding would be a way of lifting the spirits before we are fully submerged into the Winter months. This is delicious served hot from the oven with lashings of custard, and then perhaps a snooze in front of the fire?

Apricot and Almond sponge pudding
I used a 15 x 22cms baking dish and had 6 generous sized portions.
6 Apricots halved and stones removed
50g Soft Brown Sugar
100g Butter
100g Ground Almonds
2 Eggs
100g Castor Sugar
50g Self Raising Flour
50g Flaked Almonds

  1. Pop the fan oven on at 160°C, lightly grease your baking dish, and let’s get started.
  2. Layer your apricots cut side up on the base of your dish and sprinkle with the soft brown sugar.
  3. Set to the side while you make the sponge. Cream together the butter and the caster sugar until they become light in colour and fluffy in texture.
  4. Little by little beat in the eggs, take care to go slow here to avoid the mixture splitting. Then stir in the flour and the ground almonds.
  5. When all ingredients are throughly mixed pour the sponge mixture over the top of the almonds. Smooth off the top and then sprinkle on the flaked almonds.
  6. Pop in the oven for approximately 25 minutes until risen and golden brown on top.
  7. Leave to settle for 5 minutes and then serve with lashings of hot custard, dollops of whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream – whatever is your thing!

Until next time…

Tallulah Le Fey