Royston Vets- Senior Pet Screening

Senior Pet Screening

The average life span of dogs and cats has increased and Vet Surgeons and Nurses are more aware of conditions that occur commonly in elderly animals.

These include high blood pressure, endrocrine diseases (Diabetes, Cushing’s disease), Kidney failure, tumours and so on. The earlier a problem is identified, the earlier an treatment can be started

Most pets have an yearly check up. Sometimes a disease can progress very quickly, so having an additional check-up after 6 months can be very helpful.

You might think that your dog or cat is just slowing down because he/she’s “getting old”, but maybe he/she has some joint pain. Your Vet or Veterinary Nurse will be happy to have a chat with you and have a check-up. You can make the difference to the quality of life of your elderly dog or cat. Pay attention to his/her daily routine and ensure regular check-ups. In this way your furry friend can live a longer and better life!