Royston & District Mencap 
Supports people with a learning disability, their families and carers, in Royston and the surrounding villages in Hertfordshire, UK.
As Secretary for Royston & District Mencap Society, I write on behalf of our Committee when I say that we have been somewhat disappointed at how few members are turning up for our events of late.
We did start our Tuesday Club, every fourth Tuesday of the month, in Coombes Community Hall, but as only two or three members were attending this was not viable financially so we sadly had to stop it. Instead, we are having more social evenings in Wetherspoons.
We have noticed, however, that when we have an event that involves an outing then more members will turn up. Of course, we are pleased about this but we would also like to see more of them at our social evenings. We do send out emails in advance of any event and it would be helpful if we were to receive a reply to these when we have a social evening so we know how many to expect.
Royston and District Mencap Society has been going for many years now and it would be a great shame if we were ever in a position to seriously think about closing it down through lack of support. Therefore, I would urge you to have a look at our website,, where you can see what we have lined up for the next few months.
We realise we are living in a different world now with social media and all the tv channels, but it is also nice to meet up and actually speak with someone.