Out & About: Adult Swimming

Its Never too Late to Have a Go…

Adults are often reluctant to return to swimming. Most adults learned to swim as children either through lessons or school swimming. However, after years of doing our own thing we tend to revert to swimming breaststroke, usually with our heads up trying to avoid the splashing around us, or we tread water while watching our children.

Swimming in the Open Water Series 3k
Swimming in the Open Water Series 3k

Swimming is such a beneficial exercise and can be undertaken from cradle to grave and for rehabilitation from injury or illness. This sport, if done properly, can strengthen the body, help posture & stamina, relax the mind and tone the body. Everyone can swim.

I have seen through my own swimming — I’m a triathlete with Meridian Triathlon Club and swim with Royston Swimming Club — the benefits to my body and fitness. I am a qualified level 2 swimming teacher and also help coach at Royston Swimming Club. I really want others to feel comfortable having swimming lessons/coaching as an adult and am very happy to be working with Royston Leisure Centre in offering a Monday morning coached swim for adults wishing to improve their swimming. This session is perfect if you would like to improve your swimming, learn how to swim front crawl, learn drills and how to plan your own sessions, improve your speed and stamina too. Perhaps you’d like to have a go at triathlon – if you do, I can guide you through this process too and train you to swim for triathlon. All sessions will be planned and adapted to suit your own goals and ability. Although there will be an emphasis on front crawl we will be training in all the swimming strokes and aquatic skills.

The session will have two lanes of the pool for 45-60 mins. 9-9.15am is for those who can get there early and we’ll do extra drills, warm up and assessments,

Leaving the water in Chicago 2015 World Championships
Leaving the water in Chicago 2015 World Championships

otherwise we will start the main session at 9.15, so if you have to do the school run hopefully you can still make the session.

If you’re a complete beginner you can have lessons at Royston Leisure Centre, just call them to discuss your requirements. Providing that you can swim a minimum of four lengths of Royston pool without stopping, you can try the Monday sessions.

Alice Barnes
To book on the sessions please call Royston Leisure Centre on 01763 255190 and ask for a space in Swimfit-Trifit.
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