The Icknield Way

The Icknield WayThe Icknield Way is unique among long distance trails because it can claim to be ‘the oldest road in Britain’. It consists of prehistoric pathways, ancient when the Romans came; the route is dotted with archaeological remains. It survives today in splendid tracks and green lanes along the ‘chalk spine’ of southern England.

The Icknield Way Path runs for 110 miles (177 km) from the end of the Ridgeway Path at Ivinghoe Beacon in Buckinghamshire, to the start of the Peddars Way at Knettishall Heath in Suffolk.

The route takes the walker over some delightful countryside, including the Chilterns and Breckland with many panoramic views, charming villages and miles of beautiful green lanes. The Icknield Way Association has aimed to find the most pleasant route for walking, as close as possible to the line of the ancient Icknield Way. The route has been followed by thousands of walkers since its inception 1984.

A guide with detailed route descriptions, split into eight suggested day walks with clear maps, supplemented with notes on the geology, geomorphology, archaeology, flora and bird life, plus information on public transport throughout the area is available from the Icknield Way Association’s website priced at £10.00 including postage and packing.

Icknield Way MapThe Icknield Way Association was inaugurated in 1984 at Royston Town Hall with the following objectives:

To urge the official adoption of the Icknield Way as a National Trail linking the Ridgeway and Peddars Way

To promote and publicise the use of the Way and its amenities for the benefit of walkers

To promote a body of informed opinion that will improve the enjoyment and knowledge of the Icknield Way

The Association is looking for new members to ensure that the Association can continue as the only voluntary organisation looking after the interests of the route as a whole, monitoring any actions that threaten its integrity and encouraging local highway authorities to carry out improvements. The Association co-ordinates a team of local voluntary wardens who are its ‘eyes and ears’ along the route and maintain the way marking.