October Update from Citizens 85 Years of Citizen Advice

A day after the outbreak of World War 2, on Monday 4th September 1939 saw the opening of a new service in Hitchin and in 200 towns and cities across the UK

Citizens Advice volunteers started to help residents in North Herts, with the issues they now faced as the war started, from food and clothing coupons, rent and housing, and damage to property. Between April 1940 and November 1945, the Hitchin Citizens Advice Bureau had helped nearly 3,000 residents.

Fast forward to 2024, and 85 years later, Citizens Advice volunteers in North Herts help thousands of residents each year with the range of issues faced today, from debt and housing to employment and benefits. Your local Citizen Advice in North Herts is a registered charity, supported by the generosity of local organisations, businesses, and individual donations, not to mention our volunteers, to ensure this vital service serves the growing needs of the community.

In our 85th year, can you help us?  We would like to raise £20,000 to expand our reach and ensure that no one in our community is left without the support they need. Thanks to the kind support of Aviva, if you make a donation to us through the Aviva Community Fund, they will match your donation up to £250.

Join us for our Music Quiz fundraiser on 18th October, or come and find out more about our work and impact at our AGM on 10th October.

Help us to bring back that pioneering spirit of 1939 and support CANH to reach our fundraising goal.

To find out more visit: northhertscab.org.uk/85years or email: communications@nhdcab.org.uk

You can contact Citizens Advice North Herts via northhertscab.org.uk

In Royston, CAB is at the Royston Town Hall on Monday and Wednesday mornings 9.30am to 12noon.  The team are also at the Melbourn Community Hub on Wednesday mornings 9.30am to 11.30am.  If you prefer to contact CAB in advance, you can call and leave a message 01462 689801, and a member of the team will get back to you.