News from Schools – Superhero day and a visit from Herts Police for pupils at Icknield Walk First School…

News from Schools – Superhero day and a visit from Herts Police for pupils at Icknield Walk First School…

Year 1 pupils at Icknield Walk First School recently enjoyed a Superhero Day. The children came to school dressed as their favourite superheroe and took part in lots of superhero themed activities. Miss Morris Pond, a year 1 teacher, said, “We had some super cool Marvel characters as well as some real-life superheroes such as doctors and nurses. Unfortunately, the Wicked Professor Spade buried some of our toys in the mud. We thought about how we would travel to save the toys and what special powers our outfits had. We then thought about how we would save the toys from the Wicked Professor Spade. We painted our own superheroes and learnt some new superhero songs. The children and adults in year 1 had a ‘super’ day”.

Pupils in reception have been learning all about ‘People Who Help Us’. Mrs Bailey, one of our reception class teachers said ”our children have enjoyed playing in the post office, shop, hospital, police station and fire station role-play areas. Our topic has covered road safety, fire, and how people in our home, school and wider community help us. We also discussed what we can do to help others.  We were lucky enough to have a visit from three local police officers who showed us some of the equipment they use for their job, discussed their role in our community and even brought in their police vehicle to show the children. Next week children will have the pleasure of meeting a paramedic and a nurse and learning how they can help us”.


Icknield Walk First School, Poplar Drive, Royston, SG8 7EZ – 01763 243392 –