Mindful Living, Consistency is a Great Virtue

Mindful Living, Consistency is a Great Virtue

As we continue to explore how consistency can bring a little more ease into our lives, we can begin to understand how consistency is one of the major keys to success. But it requires dedication and a little courage. 

As Maya Angelou so beautifully puts it:

“One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”

At this time of the year, it can be particularly hard as all our routines are thrown out the window, especially at home with children when there is no consistency that school term brings, it can feel like we’ve lost the thread, especially if you are always trying to maintain a happy career as well as a happy family.

Simplify what you can control, reduce the busyness a little. I know us mums like to think we can multi-task especially during the summer holidays, but multi-tasking is stressful and nothing is ever given 100% of our time, jack of all, rarely ticks the satisfaction box but one thing we can control is the noise and the distractions so turn off your notifications, put down phones and laptops and commit fully and consistently when you are spending time with children and loved ones.

Socially you will feel more engaged, fulfilled, and connected and so will those around you but remember consistency in key – do this regularly and let your family know your intentions so they can embrace this too.

At the end of the day, even this takes consistency but it’s a wonderful virtue and you can apply this consistency to many areas of your life, work, home, health and ultimately your wellbeing. Consistency leads to habits. Habits form the actions we take every day. Action leads to success and transformation.

With love,
Becky x
Experienced Yoga Teacher, Chanting Stork Yoga
FB: chantingstorkyoga