Looking After You: Go ‘Hygge’ this season…

Looking After You: Go ‘Hygge’ this season…

Hygge is about cosiness and surrounding yourself with the things that make life good, like friendship, laughter and security, as well as more often underappreciated things like warmth, light, seasonal food and drink. Pronounced “hoo-gah” Hygge is not about grand gestures but embracing everyday comforts.
So, as the darker evenings draw in, it’s time to hunker down, settle in and do as the Danes do.

• Keep things simple
Why spend hours cooped up in the kitchen, going through recipe books to create complicated dishes. Do things the Danish way and keep the food simple, whether that be a heart-warming soup or simple pasta. Opt for something delicious that can be cooked with minimal fuss.
• Dim the lights and use candles instead
Danes love candles, and so do we. The flickering flames create a sense of atmosphere to even the darkest room.
• Get outside
It may be chilly outside but there’s more to hygge than staying cooped up indoors. It’s all about balance and living a good, healthy life – so exposure to nature is absolutely key. Going for a wellie walk wearing a warm scarf with the wind whipping up your hair is hygge too.
• Going at it alone
Although hygge encompasses a feeling of familiarity and togetherness, you can still achieve it alone. Cuddling up under a blanket and getting stuck into a paper back book is what Hygge is all about.

Safe Stay, Kim

Kim Fletcher