From Tallulah’s Kitchen: Chocolate and Walnut Brownies

From Tallulah’s Kitchen: Chocolate and Walnut Brownies

Hello, my fellow foodies, and welcome to September’s edition of The Listing… This month I would like to share with you a recipe for Chocolate Brownies. This recipe started off as a little experiment to try to create a gluten free brownie for a family member to enjoy, however they seemed to be a hit with everyone – although I suspect if I had told them they were made with Black Beans they may have refused to try them!

Chocolate and Walnut Brownies
425g tin of Black beans
3 eggs from happy, healthy free running hens
70g of coconut oil melted
30g cocoa powder
1 tbsp vanilla essence
170g maple syrup
75g dark chocolate chips
50g broken walnuts.
Pinch of salt

Pop on the oven to 180°C and grease a 20x20cms deep sided baking tin and let’s begin.
Open up the tin of beans rinse them thoroughly and leave them to drain. Pop them into a blender and add the eggs, coconut oil, cocoa powder, salt, vanilla essence and the maple syrup.
Blend together until you have a smooth mixture. Next, stir in the chocolate chips and the walnut pieces and pour the mixture into the tin and pop it into the oven for approximately 35 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean.

Leave to cool before cutting into slices/squares/slabs, dust with icing sugar and enjoy! If you are lucky enough to have any left these brownies will keep in an airtight tin in the fridge for 3 to 5 days.

Until next time dear reader,

Talullah Le Fey