Business Networking

Business networking in the Royston area

Networking groups give you the opportunity to take a step outside your own business, meet other people who you may be able to help – or most importantly, find people that may be able to help you.

Do you run a local group and would like to be added? Please email us at

NEW Just Women Networking Group

Independent Network for Women meeting at The Woodman Inn, Nuthampstead (SG8 8NB) on the 3rd Tuesday of every month 10-11.30am (starting from 21st January 2025).

A brand new networking group for women! Starting after the school run, and family friendly, we welcome any women who are looking to connect.

Free to attend just buy tea/coffee at the bar - There's no need to book just turn up

For more details email Diane Faben (founder of Mentors for Women): and Suzanne Hill (Harris Assoc Wealth Management):


Nutwood Networking Group

Reach new customers and markets . . . Nutwood Network is a new community-based business networking group.

In partnership with the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Nutwood Network will provide local tradespeople, business owners, community organisations and entrepreneurs an opportunity to meet in friendly and informal surroundings, to exchange ideas and referrals, and to become a part of a wider business network.

Nutwood Network is free to join and attend, regardless of the size or function of your organisation, and all registered members are invited to a breakfast meeting at the Three 9 Eight Coffee Barn in the Woodman Inn, Nuthampstead at 8:30am on the first Friday of every month

Venue: Three 9 Eight Coffee Barn at the Woodman Inn, Nuthampstead SG8 8NB First Friday of the month (ex Public Holidays)

To book email or call us, or visit our website

The Woodman Inn, Nuthampstead SG8 8NB

01763 2999999

Need to make an update or add your organisation to our Directory? Please contact The Listing using this form

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