Business Networking

Business networking in the Royston area

Networking groups give you the opportunity to take a step outside your own business, meet other people who you may be able to help – or most importantly, find people that may be able to help you.

Do you run a local group and would like to be added? Please email us at

Melbourn Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club Networking Group

The Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Clubs are groups of all arms, serving and veterans of Her Majesties Armed Forces and her allies, who meet regularly to break bread together in a safe, social, informal environment, to allow them to ‘return to the tribe’.

The events are FREE to attend - No subscriptions or fees.  Buy your own breakfast, meet old comrades and new friends, and indulge in some good old military banter.

The Melbourn Breakfast Club meets on the 1st Sunday morning of the month from 10am at The Dolphin Public House, 105 High Street, Melbourn, SG8 6AP

01763 226004
Melbourn Business Association

A lively local business networking group.

For more details and meeting dates please get in touch.

Contact Kimmi Crosby, 07976 228377

Need to make an update or add your organisation to our Directory? Please contact The Listing using this form

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