The Listing Directory

Lingualounge Language Classes in Royston

Various classes for Italian, French and Spanish conversation/improvement for adults

Wednesday daytime and Thursday evening

Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT

07775 640794
Lister Hospital

Lister Hospital, Coreys Mill Lane, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 4AB

01438 314333

Meeting Lane, Litlington,
Royston, Herts,

01763 853427

Based in Litlington Village hall, with a large, stimulating outside area providing exciting and varied educational play in a safe, secure environment for children aged 2yrs+.

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 9.15am - 2.45pm
Tuesday: 9.15am- 12.15pm
Friday: 11.45am - 2.45pm

Contact Yvonne, 07984 935193

A Parish Council village facility which is available for hiring.


01763 852137 / Naomi 07957 103093

Meeting Lane

01763 852809

Come and get creative with craft activities, painting, messy play and learn a little bit about the animals on Home Farm. Run by Wimpole staff and volunteers it will include stories, songs and activities to develop those all-important social, communication and fine motor skills.

Treats and refreshments will be available from the Farm café and hot drinks are 25p off if you bring a re-useable cup!

Younger siblings are welcome but activities may not be suitable and children must be supervised at all times.

Little Acorns Nursery

Based on Kneesworth St, Royston, Little Acorns is inspired by Reggio Emilia, Little Acorns uses these principles alongside the Early Years Foundation Stage to support our children.  Little Acorns accepts children from 0- 5 years.

Little Acorns Pre School

We are based on the Icknield Walk First School site in Royston , Hertfordshire.  We have our own room with access to a lovely garden and nature space.  Our building and garden has disable access. Children can join us from their 2nd Birthday and stay until they turn 4 years old.

We aim to provide your child with the best possible start to their early years education, helping them to fulfil their potential in a healthy, safe and stimulating environment where children know they are valued and respected and they can develop into independent, confident individuals. We believe that a child’s introduction to school must be a supremely happy one where fun and learning go hand in hand.

Little Blessings Baby and Toddler Group

Weekly Craft, Bible Story, Songtime, Coffee, Tea, Squash and Biscuits/Snack provided

Mondays 9:15 – 11:15am (term-time),
Therfield Chapel, The Causeway, Therfield, Royston SG8 9PZ

Little City

Mobile role play City for the under 6’s to explore and enjoy
Second Wednesday each month 9.15 - 10.30am and 10.50 - 12.05pm
Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT

07817 690506
Little Hands Nursery School

A Private Nursery School specialising in quality care & preschool education for the under fives

High staff to child ratio

Flexible booking system between 08.00am – 17.30pm during term time

Optional holiday club booking system 08.00 – 17.30 during school holidays Dedicated baby room for children under two years

We accept all early years’ funding

Little Hands is also at Bourn, Linton & Bartlow and Newton

For further information please contact us:

Stefan Pantazi, Nursery Manager, 01763 260964
Little Party Lambs

Children’s Entertainer, Parties, Discos, Balloon Modeller, Face Painting, Character Doorstep Visits.

07704 129127
Little Ruggers

Little Ruggers provides Rugby Based Sports Classes for Girls and Boys aged 2-8 years across Herts, Beds and Cambs.


Saturday Classes - Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston

Puma class (2-3.5 years) – 8:00am – 8:45am.

Jaguar class (3.5-5 years) – 8:55am – 9:40am.

Lion class (5-8 years) – 9:50am – 10:35am.

Puma class (2-3.5 years) – 10:45am – 11.30am.

Jaguar class (3.5-5 years) – 11:40am – 12:25pm.


07956 238709

For any children below school age and their carers.

Free entry.

Fridays, 9.30 - 11am.

Royston Evangelical Church, York Way, Royston SG8 5HJ

Little Wiggles

Musical movement and dance classes for babies, toddlers and young children, with Nicole


Monday and Friday
Minis- 9:30am
Dance & Learn 10:20am
Babies- 11:20am

Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT

Lucy’s Yoga and Baby Massage

Baby massage is a gentle way to strengthen the bond between you and your baby. Parents, grandparents, and anyone else caring for your baby can use baby massage to put your baby at ease. It’s a great way to build confidence about getting hands-on with your little one.

Baby massage can help soothe your baby’s tummy troubles, help their bowels, and reduce trapped wind. It can also soothe and relax babies, and some parents report that it helps their baby sleep.

Class Timetable:

  • Tuesday 10am – 11am, Bury lane Fun Barn, A10, Royston (4 week course)
  • Thursday 10am -11am, Clay Farm Centre, Trumpington, Cambridge (4 week course)
  • Can’t find a date that works for you, I teach small groups in your own home up to 6 parents and babies as well as 1:1 sessions

Luna Animal Rescue does not have a centre where you can go to, as all of our animals are in foster homes with their foster carers.
This way they live in family environments which is less stressful on the pets and presents them in a more natural manner than dogs kept in kennels may be.

07970 800530

All aspects of the Performing Arts in Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and Essex, 1-2-1 Sessions and Group Workshops for adults and children, including:
Acting, Musical Theatre, Speaking in Public, Speaking Verse & Prose, Devised Drama, Drama School Audition Prep (Monologue, Song & Dance), Interview Technique, Confidence Building, Improvisation Technique, First Wedding Dance Choreography

07799 311790
Make Lunch Club

Make Lunch is a club for families to connect with each other, share a meal and have fun! On your first visit you will be greated by our team leader who will help you to feel welcome. Our volunteers will entertain your children with games and activities so you can relax and enjoy your meal.

Make Lunch Holiday Club is for you if your children are eligible for free school meals or you’re struggling on a tight budget at the moment! We ask all of our families to register for Make Lunch by completing a short, online form. Please contact us for more information and to register your family.

Our fun sessions include lunch, crafts, games and special events for the children. Our club is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 12noon till 1.30pm during school holidays. Feel free to go out for a bit and leave your kids or join in yourself!

All children (and adults) are welcome, but we do ask that children under 4 are accompanied by an adult.

The Old Schoolhouse, 4 Market Hill, Royston, SG8 9JL

01763 230350

History, Craft. Tea and Cakes. Free Entry

Second Tuesday of the month,  2.30 – 4.30pm

Ashwell Village Museum, Swan Street, Ashwell, Baldock, Herts, SG7 5NY

01462 742956

Postnatal fitness class for all levels, babies welcome.

Monday 9.40 am
Monday 10.40am
Tuesday 1.40pm

Location - The Old School Community Centre Bassingbourn

Book via E-mail

Sept - April Tues 7.30 - 9.30pm Foxton VH Lectures, workshops, competitions, summer events.

£1 per meeting.  Friendly group.

4th Tuesday of month at 7.45 pm.

All Saints Community Hall Melbourn or Meldreth Meeting Room

Contact Sue, 01763 260955

The Listing publishes and maintains a directory of useful local numbers, clubs and societies, business networking, activities for children and families, and places to visit to help connect our community within the SG8 area.

Simply find what you’re looking for by using the drop-down menus above, or the main search bar.

We also publish our “What’s On…” events calendar and a calendar of clubs and society meetings, along with our regular articles.

Need to make an update or add your organisation to our Directory? Please contact The Listing using this form

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Visit the Children and Families Directory for services, activities and events.