The Listing Directory

SADA – Survivors Against Domestic Abuse

Friends Of SADA Survivors Against Domestic Abuse is a Charity that supports the work of the SADA services (Registered Charity Number 1199030). SADA is a holistic approach that works alongside survivors of domestic abuse and their families. The service offers crisis intervention, together with client-led support and signposting to other agencies suited to the individual and their own situation.

Our aim is to give every victim and survivor a voice and to support and empower victims/survivors throughout their “survival journey”.

We offer Virtual and Face to Face Drop-In services and the You and Me Mum course, which is available to every area across Hertfordshire. We also have a unique service provision offering Refuge and Safe Space accommodation, as well as long term support.

If you feel you could benefit from the services available please get in contact via email at

Friends Of SADA are currently looking for more board members to join our Charity Team. If this is something you would be interested in we would love to hear from you. You can email us at the email above or


01438 242666

Mon-Fri 9am-12noon. For 2.5yrs up. We provide a safe secure environment with excellent facilities.

Contact 01763 287 238

We meet every second Monday of the month during the year.

These meetings are held in Sandon Village Hall at 7.30 pm unless otherwise stated in the programme.

Small friendly group of enthusiastic gardeners with talks, competitions, garden visits and an annual show. New members or visitors are always welcome.

John Handley, 01763 288360

Mon-Fri 12-1.30pm, 2.5yrs+ Providing a wonderful environment for your child to enjoy their lunch with others, take part in games and story time.

Contact 01763 287 238
Saturday Stories

Stories for under 8s, come and have a listen for free (donations welcome).
Last Saturday of the month.  2.00pm  Royston Library, Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JN
0300 123 4049

0300 123 4049

Shepreth Village Hall is located in the centre of the village, adjacent to the recreation ground.

The historic, well maintained building offers a range of facilities suitable for a variety of activities.

There is easy access by road or rail.

Station Road, Shepreth,Royston, SG8 6PS

01763 268605
Sleepy Creations

Teepee Sleepover Hire and Luxe Picnics

Smarties Pre-School & Out Of School Club

Monday - Friday @ 9am - 3pm for ages 2 - 4 year olds

A fun, safe environment for children with a fully qualified team.

We also offer wrap around care at our Out of School Club

Breakfast Club: 7.45am - 8.45am

After School: 3.15pm-6pm term time only.

Our popular Holiday Club opens 7.45am - 6pm, look out for our posters.

We accept childcare vouchers

HAF vouchers accepted during selected Holiday Clubs

For more information contact Georgina Dowley on 01763 852888
Spark! Art for Teens

Second Thursday of the month, 4pm to 5pm at Royston Museum

Spark your creativity at our teen art club! Whether you are just discovering your talent or building your creative future, join in with like-minded young people. Each month explore a different technique, from shadow painting to cyanotypes, collage to typography and plenty more to fuel your interest. Each session is suitable for 11 – 14-year-olds, all materials are provided and guided by Rhian, our in-house creative and professional illustrator.

Cost: £5 per child

Booking essential via our website

A forum for all sports clubs in Royston and the surrounding area.

Meet 2-4 times a year.

Various locations including The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG

Contact Di Charles, 01223 207213
Squire Archery

The perfect place for a private family archery activity starting at £9 per person for a family or small group session.
Open 7 days a week.
Book yourself in through the Squire Archery website.
Suitable for 7 year olds and up. Do something different and make some great memories.


Lifelong support for our armed forces

Our volunteers should be available to answer your calls and emails between: Monday to Friday - 9.00 - 17.00

At other times please leave a message or send an email and someone will get back to you soon.

0204 566 9129

St Mary's Church Hall
Melbourn Road

01763 243117
St Mary’s Church, Ashwell

Mill Street, Ashwell, Hertfordshire, SG7 5LY

01462 743922
Stag Walkers

Stag Walkers is a friendly and sociable walking group aimed at people in their 20s-30s (and a bit beyond) which offers a variety of walks and social events in Herts/Beds/Cambs.

Stage Right Studios

Fully equipped dance studios. Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz, Streetdance, Lyrical, Drama, Musical Theatre, Singing. Boys only classes. BTDA and ISTD grades & vocational exams. All ages and abilities Monday - Thursday, Saturdays Stage Right Studios, Lumen Road, Royston SG8 7AF

01763 244866
Stagecoach Royston

Stagecoach Performing Arts Royston and Baldock offers drama, dance and singing classes for children aged 2-18 years. We provide quality part-time training in the performing arts and welcome all students in our local area.
Our aim is to nurture and develop young people through acting, singing and dancing in Royston and Baldock, stretching young imaginations and building confidence. We provide the right combination of learning and performing, with opportunities for all ages.

St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Melbourn Road, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 7DB
Mini Stages (2-4 years)
Saturday 8.30 - 9.15,  9 – 9.45

Early Stages (4-6 years)
Saturday 9.30 – 11am, 11.15 – 12.45pm, 2.15 – 3.45pm

Main Stages (6-18 years)
Saturday 10-1pm, 2.30 – 5.30pm

07743 356 219
Steeple Chasers Running & Cycling Club

Are you interested in joining a local, relaxed and very friendly group of people who enjoy running, cycling, walking, talking and eating cake?

Steeple Chasers Running & Cycling Club established in 2019, offers a range of activities such as trail runs, run fit sessions, mini cycling time trials, social cycles, Couch to 5k, fun runs and walks on a regular, seasonal basis.

It's a very social club of mixed abilities and goals, focused on encouragement, support and wellbeing. Based in Steeple Morden but open to anyone in the local area and villages.

For more information, visit the Steeple Chasers Running & Cycling FB page or email Sarah (club secretary) using the form below.

The Club is open to any resident of Steeple Morden and the surrounding villages to join the Club.
Any resident of the villages can attend any of the indoor functions to watch and have a cup of tea.

Tony Johnson, Club Secretary, 07423 436283

We are a friendly, sociable and inclusive cricket club.
If you have any queries or would like to join, then please get in touch with us today.
THE CLUB HOUSE, The Recreation Ground, Steeple Morden, Cambridgeshire SG8 0PD

Fraser, 01763 853008
Steeple Morden Primary School

Steeple Morden CofE VC Primary School
7 Hay Street
Steeple Morden

01763 852474

The Listing publishes and maintains a directory of useful local numbers, clubs and societies, business networking, activities for children and families, and places to visit to help connect our community within the SG8 area.

Simply find what you’re looking for by using the drop-down menus above, or the main search bar.

We also publish our “What’s On…” events calendar and a calendar of clubs and society meetings, along with our regular articles.

Need to make an update or add your organisation to our Directory? Please contact The Listing using this form

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Visit the Children and Families Directory for services, activities and events.