The Listing Directory

Reed Cricket Club

All Stars Programme (Sundays 10am - 12noon).

Colts aged 7+ playing U9's , U11's & U13's  & U15's

Herts & Cambs.  Adults 3 Teams on Saturdays  in Saracens Herts Cricket Leagues.

Sundays friendlies & National Village Cup.

New members both playing or non playing of all ages welcome. Adults  evening training see website.  Reed Cricket Club, The Green, Reed, SG8 8AX

Contact Richard Robertson, 07557 539076

Reed First School

Jackson's Lane Reed Royston, Herts SG8 8AB

01763 848304

2nd Wednesday of the month
2-4pm Reed Village Hall, Blacksmith's Lane, Reed, Royston SG8 8AX
A small group all welcome

07708 855 897

Blacksmith Lane, Reed SG8 8AX

Reed Village Hall is situated opposite the picturesque green and central to the Village, with facilities to seat and cater for up to 100 people the hall is an excellent choice for Weddings, parties and all types of function.

The Hall was built in 1933 by the villagers of Reed with land donated by the late Mrs Turney.

01763 848303
Richard Cox House

Care home set in a quiet residential area of Royston providing long-term residential care, specialist dementia, palliative and respite care.

Dog Kennel Lane

01763 249111
RNLI (Royston)

A fundraising organisation, organising street collections & manning stalls.

Meet at Royston Environs
Monday evenings, bi-monthly.


Rob Squire -
Roman Way First School

Roman Way First School
Burns Road

01763 241 535
Rotary Club Of Royston

We meet weekly for fun and fellowship, but we also make a serious contribution to our community – locally, nationally and internationally. Kite Festival, Youth Makes Music, Technology Tournament, and Swimathon, Polio Plus – all that’s us!  We’re part of the worldwide Rotary movement.

We welcome new membership enquiries from both men and women.

We meet most Tuesdays, at 6.45pm.

Royston Golf Club, Baldock Road, Royston, Herts., SG8 5BG


01763 838506
Royal Naval Assoc.

Royston Service and ex-service and non-service are welcome to meetings/socials.
Meet on the first Tues every month
Eternit Sports & Social Club
Whaddon Road, ROYSTON, SG8 5RL

Contact Graham Parry 01763 261325

The Roysia Share Club which has about 10 members has been running in the town for over 20 years and meets in the Old School House, Royston once a month on the 3rd Wednesday at 8pm.
The main purpose of the club is to join together to learn much more about how stock markets work and to make joint investments in stocks and shares, and other investments.
Each member makes a monthly investment of £25 which is pooled with other members’ monthly investments to buy and sell shares.
If you are looking to learn more about the Stock Market, this is the Club for you.
If you are interested, contact Keith Truman on 07843 418 993 or email

Keith Truman, 07843 418 993
Roysia Surgery (Royston)

Burns Road,

Open Monday - Friday 8.30am-6.30pm

01763 243166

Track Running Days, informal workshops, talks and presentations. New members welcome on the first Sunday of month from April - October.

Track running days - 1st Sunday monthly
Club nights - 2nd Wednesday monthly

Club site behind Meldreth Manor School, Fenny Lane, Meldreth, SG8 6LG

Tel Mike Burt, 07305 816521
Royston & District Chamber of Commerce

A representative group for businesses in Royston and the surrounding area who wish to increase the commercial prosperity of the town and its members.

Regular informal business networking events, including breakfast meetings.

For more details visit our website / social media pages


RDCT provide an essential service to people in Royston and the surrounding area who are unable to drive themselves or use public transport due to age, frailty, impaired mobility, or do not have the use of a car to get to health appointments, day centres and social trips. We offer low cost door-to-door transport by car and mini-bus and MPV, both of which are adapted to take wheelchairs.

RDCT is a registered charity who rely on funding from local government but also from donations from local businesses and the general public. Please get in touch if you are willing and able to offer support, or if you would like to be a volunteer driver.

Office hours 9am - 3pm Monday - Friday.

Contact 01763 245228
Royston & District Local History Society

Historical talks of the local area and beyond.

The Society has produced numerous books which may be bought from Bow Books, Angel Pavement, Royston or by orders directly from our website.

There is a coach outing in June every year.

We meet at the Town Hall, Royston, SG8 7DA, on the first Thursday of the month from October – May at 8 pm


Society for people with learning difficulties and their carers. New members welcome. Various events and trips run throughout the year, please see our website or get in contact for more information.

Tuesday Club is held every fourth Tuesday in the month, 6:30-8:30pm, in the Harris Room at Coombes Community Centre in Royston

Those who have been attending are enjoying arts and crafts and playing board games.  We would dearly love to see more of our members taking part.
Any enquiries please contact Janet on 07840 864931 -

or Linda Hall on 07767 847796 -

Call Janet on 07840 864931

The club and members are involved in the building of model railway layouts in all the major scales for their own enjoyment and have exhibited their layouts at Model Railway Exhibitions in the South East & East Anglia.

Please look at our web site for our forward exhibition dates.

Visitors and prospective new members are welcome, but please email in advance to ensure the Club is active that night.

Location is at Whaddon Village Hall, 125 Church Street, Whaddon, Nr. Royston SG8 5RY.

We normally meet every Friday, from 8 to 10.30pm. We have a monthly running night of one or more of our layouts.

Royston & District Motorcycle Club

An active thriving motorcycle Club. Our aim is to promote the enjoyment of motorcycling to all age groups in the area and the opportunity to meet new friends and for some, re-establish old friendships from the past.

1st & 3rd Weds monthly, 8pm.  

The annual RDMCC Show held on the 3rd Wednesday of June every year

Eternit Sports & Social Club, Whaddon Road, Meldreth ‘Noggin & Natter’, occasional speakers.

Royston & District Parkinsons Group 

Cafe last Tuesday of each month in The Old Bull High Street Royston from 10.00-12.00

Exercise every Tuesday in Royston leisure Centre from 12.30-1.30

Walking Football every Wednesday in Royston Leisure Centre

Activity Group every Thursday in the Town Hall from 10.00-11.00


Further details from Jean Green 07715 275918
Royston & District Probus Club

A regular meeting point for retired professionals and businessmen, often with a Guest Speaker.

Meeting on the Second Thursday of every month , 12.30pm for 1pm.

Royston Golf Club, Baldock Road, Royston SG8 5BG


Geoff Apperley, 07969 101113
Royston & District Twinning Association

Organises twinning trips to and visits from our twin towns of La Loupe (France), Großalmerode (Germany) and Villanueva de la Cañada (Spain) as well as social events such as boules, quiz night, dinners.

Royston & Villages School & Home-Support Group

A group for parents carers who have school age children.
Offering support, friendly advice and Top Tips on all aspects of school and home-schooling

Royston Allotments & Gardens Association

Garden Members who don't have an allotment are welcome at £5 a year.

Club-house on site. Shop available for both Allotment and Garden members to purchase their gardening needs. We also have an Open Day annually for the public to view the site first hand.

Coombes Hole, Green Street, Royston.

Royston Arts Society

Two afternoon painting sessions monthly, friendly, sociable atmosphere.
Nine professional art demonstrations in various media and two exhibitions per year.
New members welcome.
We hold painting sessions on the first and third Tuesdays of most months, between 2 - 4pm in Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, Royston, SG8 9DW, excepting for August and the third Tuesday in December

Contact Peter Morgan, 01763 261808

The Listing publishes and maintains a directory of useful local numbers, clubs and societies, business networking, activities for children and families, and places to visit to help connect our community within the SG8 area.

Simply find what you’re looking for by using the drop-down menus above, or the main search bar.

We also publish our “What’s On…” events calendar and a calendar of clubs and society meetings, along with our regular articles.

Need to make an update or add your organisation to our Directory? Please contact The Listing using this form

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