Outdoor bowling between April & Sept for ages of 12 years and over.
Green Drift, Royston SG8 5BX
Friendly bridge club, affiliated to the English Bridge Union, playing duplicate bridge using computer-generated pre-dealt hands. Free refreshments. Visiting pairs welcome. Also a 'find-a-partner' facility for both members and non-members.
We play every Thursday at 7.00pm. Please arrive by 6.55pm at the latest.
Coombes Room, Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT
Full Contact details for the club can be found under the Information tab on the club website
Various services
Melbourn Road, Royston, Herts
Royston Cave is an enigma. No records of its age or purpose exist.
Some theories suggest it was used by the Knights Templars, others by King James I and the Freemasons. Discovered by accident in 1742, Royston Cave has continued to baffle visitors for centuries. Man-made and beehive shaped; the cave is cut 30ft into the chalk that underlies Royston’s ancient crossroad, Ermine Street and Icknield Way.
The cave contains an extensive range of medieval wall carvings representing the Crucifixion, the Holy Family and several saints including St Katherine, St Laurence and St Christopher.
Only open on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays from the first weekend in April through until last weekend in September.
Entry by guided tour only.
See website for details.
Katherine's Yard, Melbourn Street, Royston, SG8 7BZ
All levels from novice to county standard. Teams in Herts League, Cambs League & in local league. Home matches are played on Mondays from 7.30pm (October - May) at Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT. Occasional friendly/training meetings are held on other Monday evenings at Reed Cricket Clubhouse as the league timetable permits.
Very friendly choir with range of ability and age. No audition, just come along to an open rehearsal.
Details on website.
A wide repertoire of music from all centuries. All welcome.
Tuesdays, 7.45pm - 9.45pm.
St John the Baptist (Parish Church), Royston, SG8 7BP
Weekly coffee morning at our beautiful new church building of St. John the Baptist £2 for coffee/tea and biscuits Everyone very welcome.
Every Saturday 10 am to 11.30 am
Royston Parish Church, Melbourn St, Royston SG8 7BP
A voluntary organisation formed in 1976 to promote social, welfare and recreational activities for people of all ages living in Royston and the surrounding area. The RCA run the Coombes Community Centre.
Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT
If you are active in the Royston & District Community, this is a group of charity group leaders, councillors, and local business leaders – who support each other and share ideas.
The group meets on the second Friday every month, 7.30 – 9.00 am. The Old Bull Inn, Royston, SG8 9AW
To find out more and to book email Neil Guttridge – breakfast@roystoncommunity.org.uk
A fun and relaxed choir, singing two-part pop, musical theatre and jazz songs.
No experience needed, beginners welcome!
Market Hill Rooms, Royston
Mondays 7-8pm
Based at The Recreation Ground, Therfield SG8 9QG.
Two Adult Saturday league teams, playing in Cambs Hunts leagues.
Junior teams at Under 9, 10, 11, 13 and 15, all in CYCA.
All new members, playing and non-playing, warmly welcomed.
Youth training, Dynamos and All Stars programmes: April to July, Sunday 10.00am to 12.00 noon.
Adult and youth training: April to August, Tuesdays 6.00pm.
Winter Nets at Bassingbourn VC and Hills Road Sixth Form College.
Junior section of Royston Runners (ages 9-16).
Groups for different abilities - all welcome.
Monday evenings, 6 - 7pm.
The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG
Club rides for roughly 2 hours duration, split into groups according to abilities, and covering around 30-35 miles.
Sundays, meet 8.45am outside Mica Hardware, Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JT
A warm, friendly atmosphere where up to 25 older disabled or housebound can socialise. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 10am - 1pm.
Royston Old Barn, 61 Upper King Street, Royston SG8 9AZ
Royston Day Nursery is located on Lumen Road and is situated in the heart of the historic market town of Royston in Hertfordshire, with excellent links to the A10, the nursery is only a few minutes away from Royston railway station and the town centre.
At Royston Day Nursery we pride ourselves on having welcoming rooms and nursery practitioners, who ensure your child’s individual needs are met and their interests nurtured. The nursery offers quality childcare for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years old, where children have the opportunity to explore and expand their natural curiosity and learn through play. We love the great outdoors, and our nursery features open spaces for our children to enjoy.
Open to all boys and girls from 6 to 18 years in Royston and the surrounding villages.
Beavers - 6 to 8.
Cubs - 8 to 10.5.
Scouts - 10.5 to 14.5.
Explorers - 14.5 to 18.
Plus opportunities for Adults to be part of Scouting.
Latest article - Spotlight On March 24
A group for dog owners in and around Royston to share useful local doggy information and meet up with other people and their dogs.
Royston Environmental Group are a membership organisation that aims to work towards a more sustainable future for Royston and villages.
We run various different activities including organising the annual eco fair Sustain-Ability, volunteering at the Royston Tesco Community Garden, litterpicking, Plastic Free picnic, and more.
We are a small (about 100) friendly evangelical church with a wide range of activities.
Main service 10.30am every Sunday morning in the Coombes Community Centre.
All other activities at Royston Evangelical Church, York Way, Royston, SG8 5HJ
Royston First is the name of the town’s Business Improvement District (BID). Established in 2009, it is funded primarily by town centre and industrial estate businesses with the aim of raising the profile of Royston as a great retail, tourist, and business destination, and improving the experience for those who live, visit and work in the town.
If you’ve attended the Christmas Lights Switch On, got involved in the children’s town trails, or benefited from the free parking schemes, such as the scratchcards, these are all examples of the tangible support Royston First BID provides for businesses and the wider community in Royston.
Food Bank/Community Cafe - Wednesdays 9-11am
Food Bank - Saturdays 9-11am
Donations are always welcome at other times, when the church building is open for other activities.
Royston Evangelical Church, York Way, Royston SG8 5HJ
An 18 hole course, putting green, 3 hole short course & practice facility. Membership & Green Fees apply. All welcome.
Royston Golf Club, Baldock Road, Royston SG8 5BG
Health Aid Royston is a registered local charity managed by a board of trustees made up of residents local to the town of Royston.
Our aim is to assist with medical and general health problems where the NHS or Local Authority are unable to help.
If you think we could help you with a problem please email us in the first instance, if we believe we can help we will then send you an application form.

The Listing publishes and maintains a directory of useful local numbers, clubs and societies, business networking, activities for children and families, and places to visit to help connect our community within the SG8 area.
Simply find what you’re looking for by using the drop-down menus above, or the main search bar.
We also publish our “What’s On…” events calendar and a calendar of clubs and society meetings, along with our regular articles.
Need to make an update or add your organisation to our Directory? Please contact The Listing using this form

Visit the Children and Families Directory for services, activities and events.