Useful Numbers

Parkinson’s Thursday Morning Club

Parkinsons UK, North Hertfordshire and Stevenage Branch invite those living with Parkinson’s, their companions, and friends to join fun, informal singing workshops run by musician and choir leader Linda Bance

ParkinSing fun informal singing and voice coaching workshop with choir leader Linda Bance will be held on Thursdays. ParkinSing will be alternating with other sessions which will include activities and speakers to help you live well with Parkinson's.

Heritage Hall, Royston Town Hall

Every Thursday 10.30am-12noon

07753 636443
Petersfield Primary School. Orwell

Petersfield Church of England Aided Primary School,
Hurdleditch Rd,
Near Royston.

01223 207382

You should call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. For example, if:
- Your car has been stolen
- Your property has been damaged
- You suspect drug use or dealing in your neighbourhood

Or to:
- Give the police information about crime in your area
- Speak to the police about a general enquiry
You should always call 999 when it is an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened.


The Listing publishes and maintains a directory of useful local numbers, clubs and societies, business networking, activities for children and families, and places to visit to help connect our community within the SG8 area.

Simply find what you’re looking for by using the drop-down menus above, or the main search bar.

We also publish our “What’s On…” events calendar and a calendar of clubs and society meetings, along with our regular articles.

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Visit the Children and Families Directory for services, activities and events.