Be Sustainable in October

If you have enjoyed the Sustain-Ability mini-festival as part of the Arts Festival’s Gala in the Gardens, on 30th September 2023, read on for more ideas on how to live sustainably. We hope you enjoyed the day!
It’s hedgehog hibernation season and Wednesday, 4th October is World Animal Day, uniting animal welfare movements around the world. Look out for events at local animal sanctuaries or simply act on your pledge to create a hedgehog friendly garden in your home. Build a little hedgehog house and fill it with leaves ready for the big sleep and take care to look out for hedgies when gardening.
October is also International Walk To School Month. Become part of a global community walking and wheeling for change. Teachers, parents and pupils can find lots of useful information and five-day walking challenge packs here:
It won’t be so very long until we have to think about turning the heating back on. Financial issues aren’t the only consideration, we also need to think about our individual impact on the environment and how we influence climate change. Turning down the thermostat is only part of the solution. Read this practical guide on how to reduce your energy usage:
Autumn is the time to pick edible crab apples and make beautiful, glowing crab apple jelly. Scrounge a rhubarb crown (or donate one to a friend) to plant ready for a crop of tender pink stems, and delicious rhubarb crumble in February. If you haven’t already done so fill those pots with bulbs ready for a riot of colour in the spring.
Happy hedgehogs!