Royston Kite Festival Takes to the Skies…
The sun shone, the rain held off and the people of Royston and surrounding villages turned out in their thousands on Sunday, 6th August, for the town’s annual kite festival.
The event, organised by Royston Rotary Club on Therfield Heath for more than 20 years, was one of the most successful ever. Dozens of kite flyers took part and, despite some brisk winds, there was a full display in the skies above the heath.
The club president, Phillip Martin, said: “It’s been a great day – good fun, particularly for the families with children who have come along. It was lovely to see the youngsters enjoying the Teddy Bear Drop and having the opportunity to fly their own kites.”
Royston’s mayor, Cllr Lisa Adams, launched the festival, backed by the Town Crier, Graham Pfaff (in full regalia) and Rotary District Governor Barbara Middleton. There were more than 60 stalls, ranging from the Rotary Club’s ever-popular Tombola to the Royston Cycling Club and Folly’s Farm Donkeys, which has sanctuaries worldwide caring for animals. Also, there was the historic vehicle show, run by Rotarian Ray Munden, with a range of classic vehicles.
Rotarians from clubs across the region came to help, along with Scouts and the Letchworth and Baldock Lions Club, who ran their traditional children’s kite workshop.
More than £8000 was raised for charity, much of which will go to Phillip Martin’s chosen charity of the year, the Angels Support Group. Angels, which is Hertfordshire-based, helps families of children with Autistic Spectrum Condition and/or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
Club treasurer David Smyth said: “We’ve had a tremendous reward for a lot of hard work by our members and their partners, and we’re delighted that such a good cause will benefit. We would particularly like to thank our sponsors, Johnson Matthey, Royston First, Tees Law, NCPI, Hardcastle Burton, Kashec and Easthope Associates for their help and support.” – Royston Rotary Club – Facebook
You can also read an article from Clive Porter: