Menopause: Mind the Gap

It’s time to break the taboo and talk about how employers can support women at menopause.

The workplace is changing dramatically but what motivates employees to give their best performance at work has stayed the same. People want to use their skills and be valued for their contribution. For employers, valuing your people includes considering their wellbeing – physical, mental and emotional.

The fastest growing demographic in the workplace is women over 50. Women at this stage experience unique challenges. In research, around 75% of women at this age reported that they regularly experience menopause symptoms that affect their performance at work.

Supporting women in the workplace can be simple, inexpensive and very effective in boosting performance, reducing sickness absence and improving retention of knowledgeable employees.

Pat Duckworth has written this comprehensive and accessible book for managers, HR professionals and anyone involved in workplace wellbeing. Pat’s years of working in the voluntary and public sectors combined with her decade as a therapist and coach specialising in menopause has equipped her to advise organisations on this sensitive issue.

Find out how from Pat Duckworth’s latest book Menopause: Mind the Gap, available now on Amazon