Royston Ramblers

Rambling has a long history in and around Royston – not a surprise given the fantastic countryside and beautiful villages that surround us.

In 1983 the Royston Ramblers Group was founded and in 1984 the Herts & North Middlesex Area was formed. The group now has about 180 members though not all come on walks (and it would be unmanageable if they all did!) Many members simply join to support the aims and the work done for walkers in the area. Around Royston there is some lovely countryside with some nice hills, Royston being at 200 feet above sea level and Therfield at 500 ft.

Royston Ramblers arranges a programme of walks on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and Sundays for most of the day. In the summer there are also evening walks of 3-4 miles on a different day each week. They get 25 or more walkers on weekday mornings but sometimes only around seven on the Sunday walks which are longer in distance and duration. The evening walks are also quite popular. Walks are publicised on the Royston Group page of the national website.

The Ramblers is working to reduce the age profile of it’s members by encouraging younger people to get involved. Therefore there are groups in some areas for those in their 20s and 30s, and for those in their 40s and 50s. Locally Bert Richardson runs walks for “Oldies” for those for whom the normal group walks are too long or fast.

The winter is the ideal time to try a walk or two as the or more than 25 years, Britain’s biggest walking festival has offered hundreds of free walks led by Ramblers volunteers. The Festival Of Winter walks will be held between 19th December 2015 and 3rd January 2016. The walks are open to everyone and whatever your interests, free time and fitness level, there’s bound to be a walk that suits you.

Find out more on the Ramblers website:

We got walking!

Sharon and Kate from The Listing team joined the Royston Ramblers one cloudy but mild November day to find out for themselves what it is all about.

They were warned by some of the 30 strong group that the 6 mile route was tougher than most and indeed there where hills and the going was somewhat soft! But the great company & wide ranging conversations coupled with the beautiful autumn colour made the walk more than pleasant.

Nonetheless they were ready for the coffee stop after about and hour and this proved an ideal time to take the group photograph below.

Another bonus was that the circular walk started and ended at the Fox & Duck in Therfield and so there was a chance for a sneaky pint before heading back to the office – a bit muddy but certainly refreshed by the whole experience! Many thanks to the group for making Kate and Sharon feel so welcome. They hope to walk with you again.