Do you fancy yourself as the next Legolas, Katniss or Hawkeye ?

Royston Heath Archery Club has a band of around fifty merry men, woman and children who participate in the noble sport of archery. The archers at the club shoot various different bows. The type depends on where you are in your archery life.
In our two beginner’s courses run each year, novices are first taught to shoot with a barebow – similar to the one Jennifer Lawrence wields with aplomb in the Hunger Games (but without the exploding arrows, as that would be dangerous, obviously, though fun). Sights are soon added to the bow and your journey to the Olympics begins.
Those who would like a little more assistance with achieving higher scores may opt to shoot with a compound bow. These have a variety of technological advances over other bow types to aid the archer. Most notably they have cams (or wheels) at the top and bottom which puts power into the shot and a scope to help find the centre of the target.
Finally, for those who wish to follow more traditional archery or are slowing down at the end of their shooting days and enjoy nothing more than sending bits of wood down the range and into the target (if skilful or lucky) or the grass (if not) the longbow is the bow of choice.
As a club, our main aim is to enjoy shooting in all kinds of weather on Royston Heath, competing against other merry bands in friendly local tournaments and, most importantly, socialising at local watering holes.
On a more serious note, Royston Heath Archery Club is a respected member of Archery GB. We offer those over the age of 10 an opportunity to participate in the sport of toxophily on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings.
If you wish to find out more about our club, put your name down for a course or join us if you’re an experienced archer, please visit our website