Discover over 2000 years of Royston’s story… by Royston Museum 
Spring is in the air!
And over the May half term, we’re holding two days of springtime arts and crafts. Join us to learn about your local flora and fauna and what you can do to protect it! Thurs 1st & Fri 2nd June 2023. Drop in 10am – 4pm. £3 per child. Accompanying adults go free!
Following a brilliant talk in April about the history of dentistry by our curator, Sophie, this month we’re hosting a talk by Graham Palmer about the Black Watch Mutiny. On 17 May 1743, 100 soldiers of the Black Watch Regiment turned on their commanders. 280 years on, discover how one man was hunted down in Royston and what happened next. Friday 19 May, 7.30pm. £5 /person. Book tickets online or from the museum.
Did you know we also now offer outreach talks to community groups, schools and businesses, in the comfort of your own venue?!
Learn about the history of Royston through a digital Royston Tapestry, discover King James’ Royston palace and the events that happened here during his reign, or take a virtual tour of Royston Cave!
To book, or for more information, visit
We’ve also been working hard to improve our access resources, for those who find it more difficult to visit sites like ours. So, on our website, you’ll now find an Access Statement, Visual Story and Sensory Map, so you can plan ahead when coming to visit us. It’s just one more way we’re trying to make Royston’s heritage more accessible to all.