My Local Life… Matthew Baxter, Format Computer Services

My Local Life… Matthew Baxter, Format Computer Services

Matt is an IT Consultant and Director of Format Computer Services based in Royston. He specialises in supporting businesses’ critical IT systems, allowing them to do what they do best. Matt is also a member of the Melbourn Business Association networking group that meets every month. It is an excellent opportunity to network with the local business community.

Where do you live and how long have you lived there?
I have lived in Royston since 2012 but grew up just down the road in Bassingbourn. Very much a local lad!

What do you love about your work?
I love the range of businesses we support. We have clients in manufacturing, technology and construction to name but a few industries. It is interesting to see how the unique demands of each company means they have to work in different ways. This requires that we have to offer a diverse range of technology and support levels.

What is the most challenging aspect of your position?
It would have to be the many different types of tasks I can have on the go at one time. IT is such a diverse medium that it can be tricky to switch your mind from one thing to another. At any point in time I could be troubleshooting PC issues or provisioning cloud based services.

What’s your favourite local place to eat and why?
It would have to be Banyers House in Royston. The atmosphere is great and the food is delicious! We also enjoy a visit to The Old Bull Inn which also has great food.

Night in or night out?
Having had a baby boy in October last year, I very much enjoy a night in! But when childcare is available we love an evening out.

What is your greatest fear?
Losing someone close to me. My family and friends are very important to me.

What is your favourite local view?
The view from the top of Therfield Heath is amazing. We are very lucky as community to have that right on our doorstep.

Who do you most admire and why?
I am a huge sports fan so I have admiration for many different sports people. However the one stand out for me is American Football Quarterback, Tom Brady. He is still playing at the age of 44 and wasn’t billed to be a superstar when starting his career. He is a model of self-belief and proof of what can be achieved through hard work

What inspirational quote sums you up?
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas A. Edison

This is pretty good to sum up working in IT! 

Format Computer Services
0808 120 3883