My Local Life… Kelly Liebenberg, Glazed Creations

My Local Life… Kelly Liebenberg, Glazed Creations

This October, The Listing spoke to owner Kelly Liebenberg…

Popular business Glazed Creations in Baldock Street, Royston, is a pottery painting studio for all ages. They provide a friendly, relaxed environment for people to take some time out from life to enjoy painting pottery and creating homewares, gifts or treasures with friends, family and children.

Where do you live and for how long?
Our family have lived in the village of Reed for over 10 years.
Royston and surrounding villages are beautiful and have so many things to do and see.

What’s your favourite local place to eat?
Our family favourite is The Old Bull Inn for breakfast, lunch or dinner as there is something for everyone.

What makes you happy?
Well, there are quite a few things on this list. Spending time with our boys and our dogs, the smell of coffee and taking that first sip in the morning, chocolate (at any time of day), pottery painting, opening the kiln, driving to good music and a good ol’ romcom (but not at the same time)!

What do you love about your work?
Gosh, there are so many things, where to start. Well, our fabulous team will definitely agree with me that no day is ever the same. Our customers (young and old) are amazing and inspiring. We love being a part of each person’s journey whether it’s from when they first come in and having the courage to give something new a go, those whose prints we have the privilege of taking when they are little or to those who are confident and stretch the creative boundaries.

What is your most valued possession?
My keys as they help me to access all sorts of things…like the coffee machine!

How do you bring sustainability values into your business?
We try to recycle our supplier packaging as much as possible and we have partnered with the guys at The Clarkson Collection who then re-use it in their business. Our own packaging is paper bags and tissue paper and we have reduced our paper usage significantly by changing our receipt system. We use a renewable energy supplier and where possible have switched to refillable cleaning products to reduce plastic waste.

Night in or night out?
I live in an all boy household so it has to be a night in with a romcom and chocolate.

What are you looking forward to most this month?
Autumn is one of my favourite times of the year and October signals the start of cosy evenings, leaves turning and October half term. It’s also when we start to see Christmas items going through the studio and the excitement building for Halloween and Christmas.

Which four people you would invite to dinner?
In another world it would be Nelson Mandela, Judge Judy, my big granny and Sean Connery. A president, judge, nurse and secret agent – it would make for an interesting evening!

What is your favourite local place to visit?
Royston Heath is one of our favourites as it has so much going on. You can enjoy sitting people watching or sport or find a quiet spot and a moment to enjoy nature and just be. I love a sunset and the Heath provides some pretty spectacular ones.

Glazed Creations, 3 Baldock St, Royston
SG8 5AY 01763 249800