Mindful Living by Becky, Chanting Stork Yoga: Sleep Fitness

During Dry January, my husband and I got talking about all aspects of our wellbeing.
Sleep was at the top of the list when it came to feeling instant gratification and a positive result on our health. So, we started to pay attention to our sleep patterns and monitoring how it made us feel.
Sleeping is critical, we need it like the body needs food and water.
During sleep, our body releases a growth hormone which repairs damage, builds muscle, and breaks down body fat boosting our mental health and overall fitness too.
However, getting to sleep can be part of the problem. Here are some useful tips on how to bring about your sleep fitness ‘A’ game – 8 hours a night is the goal, people!
• Routine, Routine! Going to bed at the same time every day, works!
• Turn off all blue light gadgets 2 hours before bed – no sneak peaking on social media!
• Reading a book in the bath, with a herbal tea is my ‘A’ game – you need to find yours
• Create sleep inducing space, invest in a new duvet set, plump up your pillows and change sheets often; I KNOW it’s like the worst chore, but it’s well worth it and at least we don’t need black out blinds this time of year!
• No caffeine after midday!
This should be enough to get you started, next month we dive deeper under the covers and look at exercises to support your Sleep Fitness!
Sweet dreams x