Discover over 2000 years of Royston’s story… by Royston Museum 
The museum is now reopen having been closed over Christmas to work on our Collection.
From it, we were able to repackage objects with more suitable materials, so they are greater protected, reorganise their storage so that they are easier to access, and gain a better understanding of the variety of objects that we have in the Collection, so we can create richer exhibitions in the future. We found a Victorian pie maker, moving lantern slides, and a 1930s cake topper, complete with original icing!
To our website we’ve added an ‘Explore’ section, so you can find out more about the history of your town. We’ve also included some useful maps and resources that’ll make exploring Royston more engaging, like a link to the brilliant town Heritage Trail, maintained by Royston First. Follow 31 trail markers around town to discover sites such as Dead Street, named after the number of people living there who died from the plague, King James I’s palace, and site of the medieval leper hospital. Physical copies of the trail brochure are also available from the Museum.
Plus, our events are back! This Feb half term, do as the Romans do and join us for two days of toga-twirling arts & crafts. Make your own head wreath, decorate ancient pots, cast Roman coins and craft a gorgeous leather bracelet. Then don a toga for your #romanselfie! Drop in Thurs 16th & Fri 17th Feb, 10 am – 4 pm. £3 per child. Accompanying adults go free!